Con el objetivo de Mark Zuckerberg de llegar a nuevos mercados, ha propuesto esta plataforma de citas-online aprovechando que, ya hay 200 millones de personas que se definen como solteras en la red social de Facebook.
Esto le ha supuesto una gran competencia a Tinder, que al conocer el anuncio de Dating, sus acciones en bolsa han bajado un 20%. Al contrario que en esta, que basta con deslizar el dedo para contactar con la persona que quieres conocer, Facebook utilizará un algoritmo para que te aparezcan personas que mas se adapten a tu perfil. Además, las personas tendrán garantizada su privacidad, es decir, el perfil de Facebook Dating no será visible para los amigos de Facebook.
This has been a great competition for Tinder, who when knowing the announcement of Dating, his shares in the stock market have fallen by 20%. In Tinder it is enough to slide your finger to contact the person you want to meet, but Facebook will use an algorithm to show you people that best suit your profile. In addition, people will have their privacy guaranteed, the Facebook Dating profile will not be visible to Facebook friends.
Esto le ha supuesto una gran competencia a Tinder, que al conocer el anuncio de Dating, sus acciones en bolsa han bajado un 20%. Al contrario que en esta, que basta con deslizar el dedo para contactar con la persona que quieres conocer, Facebook utilizará un algoritmo para que te aparezcan personas que mas se adapten a tu perfil. Además, las personas tendrán garantizada su privacidad, es decir, el perfil de Facebook Dating no será visible para los amigos de Facebook.
With the aim of Mark Zuckerberg to reach new markets, he has proposed this online dating platform taking advantage of the fact that there are already 200 million people who define themselves as single in Facebook's social network.This has been a great competition for Tinder, who when knowing the announcement of Dating, his shares in the stock market have fallen by 20%. In Tinder it is enough to slide your finger to contact the person you want to meet, but Facebook will use an algorithm to show you people that best suit your profile. In addition, people will have their privacy guaranteed, the Facebook Dating profile will not be visible to Facebook friends.
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